The Oscars posted their own 2020 Academy Awards predictions. Now in its 92nd year, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has been handing out Oscars since 1929, and the award has become the highest honour in Hollywood.

While some years have been more intriguing than others in terms of who is marked to win what, there’s always a certain degree of curiosity from the public and media over who will take home the big awards come Oscar night. Past Academy Award ceremonies have seen major upsets and no small amount of controversy, with more than just who wore what being the main topic of conversation. Indeed, much hinges on the winning of an Oscar, as it can change a filmmaker or actor’s career over night. However, when controversy does occur, it all too often steals the limelight for years to come – regardless of how memorable that year’s performances or films were. Few can forget Michael Moore’s fiery acceptance speech after winning best documentary with 2002’s Bowling For Columbine, for example, and even fewer can forget when the Best Picture Oscar was mistakenly given to La La Land instead of Moonlight.

So far, awards season in Hollywood has gone off without any major blunders. The Oscars ceremony is set for this coming Sunday, February 9 and voting for the coveted awards officially comes to a close today, Tuesday, February 4. As things currently stand, some would call the results a foregone conclusion, given how steadily the same actors and filmmakers have dominated previous awards ceremonies like the Golden Globes or BAFTAs. But a recent move by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences on its Twitter account has some wondering if this years official winners have accidentally been revealed ahead of Sunday. The post, which was quickly deleted from the account, can be seen below:

Apparently what the Academy was originally attempting to do was highlight its new automated social media widget called the Oscars Prediction Experience. The app allows users to create and share their own Oscars ballots. Instead of showing off a new and fun way to prepare for the 92nd Academy Awards, however, Twitter users were shown the above Tweet, which does indeed appear to spoil the entire ceremony. Several hours after the Tweet was removed, the Academy responded with this Tweet:

Whether this was just a matter of attempting damage control in the face of a major spoiler or not remains to be seen, but there will certainly be many who will be paying close attention to these initial results come Oscar night. As it stands, the winners on the now deleted list are entirely believable, and in some cases quite spectacular. Parasite, for example, is listed as winning both the Best Picture and Best International Film Oscars – a first of its kind. Still, with voting not scheduled to finish until February 4, it’s hard to believe that a slip up of this magnitude could have already occurred.

As previously stated, the Oscars are no stranger to controversy. Whether or not someone made a grave error and released the winners a little less than a week before the actual Oscars ceremony remains to be seen. When the truth eventually does come out after the ceremony, if the results were indeed accidentally leaked, it will surely mark the biggest foul up in the Oscars’ 92-year history.

Next: Why The Oscars Snubbed Horror In 2020

Source: The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences