An introduction to outdoor furniture :

Outdoor furniture is a type of furniture that is specially designed for outdoor use and can be created with wood, aluminum, polyvinyl chloride, or PVC, and other products too. Outdoor furniture can be used for both indoor and outdoor purposes, but indoor furniture can be used only for indoor purposes, like in homes and offices. It will be spoiled if we use indoor furniture outdoors. Outdoor furniture is created with a high grade so that it can bear the outside heat. Aluminum is very popular for outdoor furniture as it is strong and is good for creating different shapes with it. It is also not very expensive and requires low maintenance, so many manufacturers prefer aluminum for creating outdoor furniture.

The key factors that manufacturers must consider while creating outdoor furniture are:

Sunlight or Temperature: Temperature or sunlight is the most important factor as it’s outdoor furniture, so it may be affected by sun rays, or the polish of furniture may be affected, so manufacturers use that material which tends to bear the heat rays. Rain/Humidity: The furniture is not affected by rain or humidity. The material should be good as in most areas, frequently rain happens, so furniture must have resistance to damage from these types of atmospheric issues.

Outdoor Furniture Warranty Details:

Outdoor furniture includes multiple products, so all products have a different warranty period.

Aluminum frame: The aluminum frame has a fifteen-year warranty. If the frame breaks or its weld fails structurally within the warranty period from the purchase date, it will be replaced or repaired freely in its original form.

Vinyl: Vinyl has a five-year warranty. If the strap breaks within the warranty period, a replacement strap will be sent to you directly.

Wood: Wood has a three-year warranty. If the wood structure breaks, it will be repaired or replaced. If it is in warranty, the replaced or repaired wood product will be the same in color and style as the original.

Fabric: Fabric has a two-year warranty; if it fades, it will be replaced by the manufacturer. The fabric warranty items include: sling, cushion, and mildew.

Umbrella: The umbrella has a two-year warranty. Its main use is in outdoor furniture as it provides shade for people sitting outdoors.

Components: The components include bolts, wheels, etc. These components have a one-year warranty.

To claim the warranty on a product, a customer must first call or email the company customer service with the invoice number of the bill that was issued at the time of purchase. Without a bill invoice, the company does not entertain the warranty claim. After sending the claimed warranty mail to customer service, you have to wait for the response or any confirmation mail received from the company, then the manufacturer will ship the product or send their mechanic within the predefined time frame.


The outdoor furniture warranty period is different from product to product. The longest warranty period is fifteen years, while the shortest warranty period is one year. The customer can easily claim the warranty by showing the receipt/proof of purchase, after which the company will calculate the time and validate whether it is within the warranty period or not; if it is within the warranty period, it will be replaced within a certain time frame.

Is the outdoor furniture warranty period the same for all products?

No, warranty time varies from product to product.

Is there proof that is required while claiming warranty?

You must keep a copy of the bill while claiming the warranty because the company first verifies the date of purchase of the product.

How many years does the warranty have on outdoor wood?

Outdoor wood has a three-year warranty.

Is the umbrella part of outdoor furniture?

Yes, it is part of the outdoor furniture used for providing shade.