Lord, ye gave us a rare show, and God we loved it well! It’s time to rejoice, the Droughtlander, as we know it, is over now and we will soon be hugging the companion of our hot coffee, warm blankets and restless nights! Yes, the official trailer is here and the Season 5 is just around the corner.

Every frame of the trailer, the teaser, and official photographs are packed with exciting tidbits of the plot and understandably, fans have started brewing and speculating theories and probable subplots. Today we are going to share with you ten such theories which are as cool and amazing as the show itself. So, pour some hot chocolate, stir some romance and a dollop of excitement in your Sassenach mug, and let’s jump right into it.

What Kind Of World Is This?

An upset Claire asks this, to which, Jamie replies that it’s the only world that they can be together in, and much to our delight, Claire said that it isn’t! Many fans believe that this is the season for lots of time travel and hopefully, the Fraser family will move to the 20th century where they could all be safe and all have a stable secure life.

Jamie, however, does not have the time traveler’s gene, so, let’s see how that turns out for the family. In any case, there is going to be lots of time travel for sure.

Murtagh Will Not Be Killed

Though Governor Tryon has ordered Jamie to prove his allegiance and kill his godfather, Murtagh Fitzgibbons, off, it might not actually happen. So, this is another amusing theory that is brewing.

Some fans think this season will be the last for loyal Murtagh, while some tend to think Jamie will somehow save him because his loyalty always lies with Scotland. Everyone knows how protective he is about his kin and above all, he truly loves Murtagh.

American Revolution Intervened?

We hear Brianna saying if they do something unusual and interfere with the war now, America will never become America, but, it is also true that their family and lives are undeniably and irrevocably tied with the war. One of the rumors floating around is that since Jamie always stands by his promise to keep his people and his family safe, he might intervene.

In short, Jamie will interfere with the war. We are having goosebumps just thinking of it! How will the world turn out to be if America is not the America it has always been?

Claire Regrets Coming To Past?

In one frame of the official trailer, we see Claire regretting returning to the past where everyone is in danger.  Now, a lot of people are fantasizing about the Fraser family traveling through the stones and moving to the future with the kith and kin. It would be cool to see how they manage to do that and what the emotional cost will be, if so.

The Wedding

If you have seen the trailer, around 30 seconds in, there appears to be a wedding scene. Whose wedding, you ask? Well, we are not sure, but, according to the fan theories, Brianna and Roger’s most likely. A wedding could mean a lot of joy, but could also have other unexpected consequences.

The wedding and this season will be an emotional rollercoaster ride for her and us too, undoubtedly.

Jamie Sends Claire And The Fam Through The Stones?

Please, not again! Out of all the theories we heard, this one has been the worst. In a frame, stamped att around 00:48, Jamie is seen saying to Brianna that they would be safer in her own time. So, just like in season 2, Claire and co. might actually pack everything up and travel through the stones leaving Jamie alone to muddle through battle.

How inhumane and torturous would that be!

Red Coat in Public, Rebel In Secret

Jamie is seen in a red coat which has given birth to the theories that he has joined forces with the British. In the next frame, we see Governor Tryon calling him Colonel asking him to prove his loyalty. Some fans are speculating that he has not joined the British army per se, and the only reason he is seen wearing the Reds could be that the governor asked him to wear it to symbolize their alliance.

Lots of fans have been fantasizing about Jamie running his own operations to aid the Scottish cause and their revolution. They think Jamie can never be loyal to the British and that he would certainly stand for his country and his people, even if in secret.

Murtagh Love Angle

Ah! How passionately we want this man to have something, someone to stand beside him, love him tenderly as much as he loved Jamie’s mother, if not more. Jocasta looked promising in the Season 4. In the Season 5 trailer, at around 00:27 we see both of them sitting, talking probably and Jocasta looks upset or crying and Murtagh seems sad too.

Some of the fans speculated that Murtagh chooses his fight of Independence over his love and leaves for the war probably never to come back again. Moreover, according to the books, Jocasta gets married to Duncan Innes, so, probably all this will happen for good, for her at least.

No Jamie And Claire?

What? Yes, we spilled our coffee too, hearing this. As out worldly it sounds, some fans are really into the theory that Jamie and Claire might be replaced with Brianna and Roger with time. We pray it never happens though and we always keep getting a frequent dose of Jamie and Claire till the end of time.

The Mother Of All Twists – Who Was The Ghost?

Do you remember the ghostly man Frank saw in Season 1, second episode before everything happened? The man who was staring (longingly perhaps?) at Claire through the glass window while she was brushing her hair? Well, there are lots of crazy theories floating around about that.

But, the one that touched our hearts is that the man is Jamie, by which we mean, his ghost. Hopefully, Ron will spill the beans about him in this upcoming season!