Perhaps one of the most loveable characters in the hit series Outlander is Lord John Grey. His very presence in the show was vital in keeping Jamie Fraser alive long enough to be reunited with Claire. Their friendship and loyalty to one another have been treasured by fans over the course of seasons 3 and 4.

Grey is a fascinating and complex character dealing with his own internal battles, being homosexual in a time where that simple truth could have him hanged. However, his storyline proves he’s nothing short of remarkable and one who’s not shy of making bold decisions when he deems it necessary. So what crazy things did Lord John Grey get up to between seasons 3 and 4? Let’s take a look!

Grey Trusted Jamie To Tell The Truth About The Gold

It wasn’t the wisest decision made by Lord John Grey to trust that Jamie, a then-prisoner of Ardsmuir would tell the whole truth when a man was brought in muttering words about gold that was meant for Charles Stuart during the uprising. The man was speaking in a mixture of French and Gaelic, both of which Jamie would be able to translate for Grey.

Of course, Jamie didn’t reveal everything the delirious man was saying as he was talking about a “white witch,” with whom Jamie thought was a reference to his long-lost wife, Claire. This information was kept from Grey and ultimately led to Jamie’s escape from Ardsmuir shortly after.

He Fell For Jamie’s Trick That Led Him To Escape Ardsmuir

As soon as Jamie decided he needed to escape Ardsmuir to search for Claire, he asked Lord John Grey if the prisoners might hunt for their own food just outside of the prison walls. Grey, unaware of Jamie’s real intentions, agreed to let the men place snares to then collect the following day.

It was clear that the other prisoners were helping Jamie escape as they created a distraction for the guards while Jamie ran in the other direction. After the discovery of Jamie’s escape, Grey took guards and searched for days along the coastline, assuming that Jamie had gone in search of Charles Stuart’s treasure.

Grey Didn’t Follow Through On His Promise To Kill Jamie

Grey was beginning to think that perhaps Jamie had perished in the cold waters while swimming to a nearby island after escaping Ardsmuir. To his surprise, Jamie caught Grey unawares near the prison and held him in a headlock.

He revealed that he knew who Grey was and remembered the promise Grey made to one day kill him. In a shocking and desperate moment, Jamie released Grey and proceeded to kneel, ready to die. However, to the fan’s surprise, Grey responded only with, “I’m not a murderer of unarmed prisoners.”

He Declined When Jamie Offered Him His Body In Exchange For Caring For William

It’s clear that John Grey began to develop feelings for Jamie as they spent more and more time together at Ardsmuir, playing chess and having regular meals, which ultimately resulted in a very genuine friendship. This led Grey to give Jamie a second chance working under the Dunsany family. Blackmailed, Jamie was forced to bed Geneva Dunsany which resulted in the birth of a baby boy, William, secretly fathered by Jamie.

As time went on, Jamie began to realize he couldn’t stay, as William began to look more and more like him. In his desperation to ensure William was going to be cared for properly, he offered his body to Grey and in exchange, asked Grey to care for William. Grey, shocked but tempted by the offer, refused, and instead agreed to look after William with his wife to be, Isobel. This would have been a difficult decision to make given his strong feelings towards Jamie.

He Agreed To Care For William As His Own Son

One of the most loveable and equally admirable things John Grey ever did was care for little William and raise him as his own son. It was an act of love to ensure Jamie’s son grew up cared for and protected.

Of course, it’s clear that Grey felt he was always going to be able to remain connected to Jamie by doing so, but it was also an incredibly generous commitment to take on. It’s truly a heartbreaking scene to watch as Jamie finally says farewell to Grey, Isobel, and little William.

He Kept The Sapphire Given To Him By Jamie

What an incredible scene it was to watch Claire’s introduction and Jamie’s reunion with Lord John Grey at the Governor’s Ball. To the surprise of many Outlander fans, John Grey revealed that he kept the Sapphire Jamie gave him after he returned from escaping Ardsmuir as a way of “remembering their friendship.”

Keeping the sapphire was a risky decision to make, given that it was evidence that there may have been more treasure to be found in relation to Charles Stuart for the uprising. It was also a strong hint to Claire that perhaps John Grey felt more strongly about Jamie than just a close friendship.

He Arrived Unannounced To Frasers Ridge With William

To the total surprise of Jamie and Claire in season 4, John Grey visits unexpectedly to Frasers Ridge. It’s a welcome visit in the eyes of Jamie but it appears that Claire is a little unsure of Grey’s intentions. It’s even more of a shock the moment Grey tells Jamie and Claire that William, Jamie’s illegitimate son, is with him.

It’s been years since Jamie last saw William and it’s a reunion that fans were waiting for. Understandably, Jamie felt forever indebted to Grey for raising his son but beyond that, there is a deep connection between the two of them that makes Claire feel uneasy.

He Has A Tense Conversation With Claire About Jamie

Perhaps one of the most anticipated scenes was that between Claire and John Grey, airing the unspoken words that existed between them. Grey contracted the measles, forcing Jamie and William to spend time camping together away from the house. Over the course of several days, Claire tended to Grey while they began to understand one another. It was during this time that Grey revealed his true motives for arriving unexpectedly to Frasers Ridge.

He admitted he felt nothing when his wife Isobel passed away, he wanted to see if he could still feel, finishing with the fact that he still feels very strongly about Jamie. Claire also admitted to her being envious of the time Grey and Jamie had together. Overall, it was an incredibly healing episode watching two great characters find understanding and common ground between one another.

Was Intimate With Another Man At Jocasta’s

Perhaps one of the more risky decisions Lord John made was having an intimate encounter with another one of Brianna’s potential suitors, in a pantry at Jocasta’s. The possible consequences of both men being seen by a less forgiving person would surely have been serious.

However, it’s no secret Grey is a passionate man and the idea of having a moment of intimacy likely overpowered the potential risks. It’s possible they assumed everyone was asleep and if a slave saw them together, they’d likely not speak of it to anyone. Whatever their logic, Brianna seeing them together was likely furthest from their minds.

He Agrees To An Engagement With Brianna

It came as a surprise, the length Brianna was willing to go to avoid an unwanted engagement before Roger returned. After witnessing John Grey, intimate with another man, Brianna made the decision to blackmail him into an engagement to protect her from other suitors.

Fans watched as Grey initially refused to take her hand, shocked by Brianna’s threat. However, as he came to learn more about the nature of her circumstance and the sensitive events that lead up to her pregnancy, his care and understanding ultimately led him to agree to go ahead with her plan.