Raise your hand if you feel personally scandalized by the amount of time we still have to wait for a new season of Outlander. Look, we understand exactly how you feel. It’s been ten months since the fourth season of the show premiered, and we still have to wait until February 2020 until the fifth season makes its way to our small screens. Would it just be nice if we could travel through some stones and miraculously arrive on the day Outlander is supposed to premiere?

Unfortunately, we can’t. However, there are a few things we can do to help you get through this endless drought. You’ve probably read the books time and time again and rewatched old seasons more than you want to admit. So today, we’re here to bring you a good dose of laughter in the form of memes. These are dedicated to none other than the feisty Brianna Randall Fraser, child of our beloved couple Claire and Jamie. Let’s take a look at ten hilarious Brianna memes to make the wait a little easier.

Life In The 1800s

Jokes about bathrooms in the 1800s will never not be funny. Seriously, though, can you imagine? We get so caught up in the beautiful love story between Claire and Jamie, and then Brianna, and how they all meet once again in Jamie’s time, that we don’t really take too much time to think about the challenges of living in the past.

You know, before modern sanitation systems were a thing and people had to resort to what they had. Can you imagine the smell? We can’t blame Claire if she really did ask Brianna off-camera whether or not she brought toilet paper. Those would certainly be the first words out of our mouths, even before “I missed you so much!”

Aunt Jocasta Is In The House

Love her or hate her, Aunt Jocasta was definitely an amazing addition to the ever-growing cast of Outlander. There’s no way we can ever forget her extreme efforts to find a suitable husband for Brianna so that her child wouldn’t be born out of wedlock because, my darlings, that is a major no-no when it comes to the 1800s.

Our girl Bree, of course, wasn’t having any of it, but we still have to appreciate Jocasta’s efforts. She’s a much better version of Tinder that blocks out unsolicited pictures and just wants what’s best for you. In fact, Tinder doesn’t hold a candle to auntie over here. We should all consider uninstalling our dating apps and ask our relatives for help in matchmaking.

Fraser’s Lodge Is Like, Perfect

Was there a single dry eye in the house when the ninth episode of Season 4 aired? Finally, the long-awaited reunion of the Fraser family happened. Mother, daughter, and father, all together and happy for the first time in forever. Everyone rejoiced, and we’re pretty sure we heard fireworks somewhere.

There were many, many beautiful moments throughout the course of this episode, but one of the best was Daddy Fraser being all proud and gleeful when showing off Fraser’s Lodge to his long-lost daughter. Brianna. “Girl, this is amazing, I know. But just wait until you see the strawberries! They’re so fat and delicious!” He didn’t say it, but we bet that’s what he was thinking.

Regrets, I Had A Few

Claire and Bree’s relationship has always been somewhat strained. It had to be horrible for both of them — Claire having to raise the child she had with her “dead” lover, married to a man she no longer loved, and Brianna constantly wondering why her mother seemed to live in a parallel world.

Thankfully, things got better. We’re sure Claire regretted leaving Frank when she did. But most of all, we’re sure she regrets those interior design choices. And Bree definitely agrees — you can just see it in her face. Her eyes sad over her mother’s decision to decorate their home like the Grinch’s cabin.

Father-Daughter Bonding

It’s still hilarious that Jamie decided that the best way to bond with the adult daughter he never knew would be to go out into the wild, hunt bees, and steal the honey. But let’s give it to the man, at least he tried — and they did seem to have quite a bit of fun together. They’re practically the same person in many aspects, so no surprises there.

The funniest part of this meme is the stark difference between the realities these two have known for their whole lives. Jamie just wants Bree to know he loves bees, but she just wants to give him a heart attack!

Would You Like To Borrow Some Soap?

Picture this — you are Brianna. Not only did you recently find out that the man who raised you wasn’t your real father, but you also found out that your mother is a time-traveler who had a torrid love affair with a Scottish man who died in the war…and he was your real father. Like the nice person you are, you help mom and dad reunite.

And now it’s your turn to travel to the 1800s to meet your biological father — in a time where they don’t employ basic hygiene or have toilet paper. We know this was an emotional moment, but we don’t discard the possibility that she actually thought this for a second there.

Just Saying…

It’s kind of scary just how much Brianna’s life imitates her mother’s. We know this was very likely intentional on the part of both author Diana Gabaldon and the showrunners, but still. At least they made her look like Jamie? And gave her a few of his personality traits, of course.

Either way, Bree should listen to mommy dearest. If finding a Scottish dude part of the MacKenzie clan who can time travel is the way forward, then why not? We’re not naming names either. It kind of rhymes with “lodger,” though. Kind of.

A Nerd Snack

Can we just all go ahead and say it? Roger is a major nerd. And being a nerd is great. We have this man to thank for the fact that Claire was able to find out Jamie was still alive and then go back and reunite with him, offering audiences everywhere a very hilarious moment, and plenty of tear-jerking material.

Guess who loves a good old history nerd? Brianna Fraser, of course. Astronaut ice-cream might have done the trick in the past, but once she met Roger…well, the rest is history.

We Don’t Know What We’re Doing

Look, the world of Outlander can become a hot mess very quickly if you haven’t been paying enough attention. One minute they’re here, the next minute they’re there — and we’re not just talking about geographic locations.

It’s no wonder Brianna would have to read Voyager so she could figure out what in the world she was supposed to do with all the insane information her mother laid on her. At least she’s going straight to the source, like any good historian.

Flirting Game: 100

These two flirting is nothing short of adorable. They both love history, they’re both nerds, and he’s Scottish. And everyone who watches Outlander has a slight weakness for Scottish men, right?

The roll and Dark Shadows references are great at placing these two in their own time. If it was today, it would probably be something like grabbing a vegan hotcake and being a fan of spoken word poetry.

Next: Outlander: 10 Claire Mannerisms From The Book Caitriona Balfe Nails