Undoubtedly, Outlander owes much of its popularity to the beautiful love story of Jamie and Claire Fraser. Who isn’t a complete sucker for romances that include crossing challenges, oceans, and, in this particular case, even time? The narrative and adventures surrounding these two characters has been the driving force of the show ever since it first premiered.

However, as much as we adore these two lovebirds, we do have to give some serious props to the supporting cast. Watching Jamie and Claire stand there and look at each other lovingly would hardly be enough to fill up a season, let alone four! One of these fantastic supporting characters is the fiery Jenny Fraser Murray. If you’ve been wanting to know more about her, then you’ve come to the right place. Here are 10 questions about Jenny, answered.

Who Is Jenny Fraser Murray?

Born Janet Flora Arabella Fraser, and affectionately known as Jenny, she is the second child of Brian Fraser and Ellen Fraser. Sister to the leading man and hero of Outlander, Jenny was born in 1719 and was raised alongside her brother in the Scottish Highlands. Her family’s estate is Broch Tuarach.

After her brother went rogue with a price on his head, she was the one who kept the family estate running. In her brother’s absence, Jenny also got married. When we’re first introduced to her, she’s the victim of one of Black Jack Randall’s horrible attacks, but things end up alright.

What Does She Look Like?

On the show, Jenny Fraser Murray is portrayed by actress Laura Donnelly, a beautiful Irish actress who actually went to acting school with leading man Sam Heughan. Lovely coincidence that these two actually ended up being cast as brother and sister! According to the books, though Jenny looks slightly different.

Just like her brother, she has beautiful deep eyes, but her skin is pale, and her hair is curly and dark. Even though Donelly doesn’t check all of these boxes, fans were more than happy with her portrayal of Jenny Fraser.

Who Is Her Husband?

Jenny is married to Ian Murray, with whom she previously shared a deep friendship since the two pretty much grew up playing together. The love story between Ian and Jenny might not seem as filled with passion and romance as the one between Jamie and Claire, but that’s only because we’re not as familiar with it.

After her father, Brian died and Jamie was held captive, Jenny married Ian in 1970. he came back from war missing a significant part of his leg, and when Jenny visited him, she kissed him and let him know they would be wed. You know, like Jenny does!

Does She Have Any Children?

When Claire and Jamie first make their way to Lallybroch, they see a young boy running around. Jamie is instantly infuriated once she realizes the boy was named after him because he believes the child was fathered by Jack Randall. Of course, we now all know it was Ian’s kid. This was the first of Jenny’s children that we met.

She was also heavily pregnant with a child Claire eventually helped delivered, and at this point in the novels, even though Ian is gone, the couple had seven children together

What’s The Origin Of Her Name?

Jenny’s full name is quite the mouthful: Janet Flora Arabella Fraser. Janet is actually an ancient diminutive for the name Jane, with a Greek origin that supposedly means “gracious”. We think Jenny would probably disagree with this part, but moving on. Flora is of Latin origin and means “flower”, while Arabella signifies “invokable.”

Additionally, the family name she shares with Jamie and Claire, Fraser, can be derived from a series of ancient words, even though there’s no consensus. Her married name, Murray, is native from Scotland and means “seaboard settlement.”

Why Is She So Strong?

Even though she was part of a prominent family in the Scottish Highlands and had a happy childhood, Jenny also went through some hardship in her life. Her mother Ellen died when Jenny was ten years old, and this meant she was to assume the role of lady of the house.

The fact that she was actually the one organizing things around Lallybroch on the day of her mother’s family shows just how strong Jenny was. Not to mention the fact that she lost her father and her brother pretty much one after the other, one to death, and the other to imprisonment. But didn’t keep her from running the estate like an absolute rockstar.

What’s Her Personality Like?

When we were first introduced to Jenny in Outlander, everything happened through flashbacks, and from Jamie’s point-of-view. Plus, everything happened so fast, Jenny barely got a word in, and next thing we knew, she was being dragged inside the house by a vicious Black Jack Randall. Anyone who saw that wouldn’t know what to make of Jenny Fraser Murray.

However, as soon as we see her again upon Jamie and Claire’s arrival in Lallybroch, ten seconds of on-screen presence are more than enough to show Jenny for who she is: a strong, stubborn, loyal woman that can make a grown man cry for his mama.

Is She Different In The Show And In The Books?

Aside from very small differences that we already tackled when it comes to physical appearance (the blue eyes and curly hair, for instance), the character of Jenny Fraser Murray doesn’t really change much from the books to the movies. Only in regards to what happens after season 3, but we’ll get there.