Ever since we first saw heroine Claire Fraser, born Beauchamp, stomp across our screens straight into the arms of Scottish man Jamie Fraser, watching Outlander has been a full-blown adventure. With romance, heartbreak, action, and political intrigue, Outlander has managed to do it all, and with extreme grace. This includes tackling extremely heavy topics in a way no other television show has done before.

Of course, one of the best parts of the series is the everlasting romance between Jamie and Claire, and their decision to start a family and have their daughter, Brianna. These two are the epitome of couple goals, and anyone would be quick to volunteer in taking the place of any of these two star crossed lovers. But what exactly does it entail being a part of the Fraser family? Does everyone have what it takes to be a part of it? Let’s find out. Here are 10 rules that members of the Fraser family have to follow.

Be Brave

It’s very hard to imagine anyone belonging to the Fraser family who doesn’t possess this particular trait. While it might get you into a lot of trouble (you need only ask Jamie), it’s also one thing that both him, his wife, and their daughter have in common. Let’s look at the facts. First, Claire was a war nurse before she even went to Scotland. When she time traveled, she showed more bravery than most people would be able to, given the circumstances.

Her hubby, of course, is so brave is name might as well be Jamie Courage Fraser. Well, maybe that’s a bit of a stretch, but the man doesn’t hesitate when it comes to saving someone he loves or doing what’s right. This is true even if he has to face some serious adversities.

Family Comes First

Don’t even think about belonging to a family like the Frasers if they wouldn’t be your number one priority in this life. Looking back at every single episode of Outlander, pretty much everything that Jamie and Claire have done during the course of the show has been for the good of their family… which is to say, each other or their daughter.

They are extremely selfless people (we’ll get to that in a second) but if they have to choose between doing what’s right and doing what’s good for their family, they’ll choose the latter. This is perhaps the only instance where they would show any trace of selfishness.

Do Good For The World

No hero or protagonist is complete without a good old dose of selflessness. If we exclude the one instance we’ve mentioned above, the Fraser family can pretty much be considered a blessing to the people who cross their path… unless, of course, any of those people just so happen to be intolerable, inhumane villains.

These two actually went as far to try and change the course of history in order to prevent thousands of deaths. And they did so at great personal cost. The Frasers are far from being saints, but there’s no denying they have a heart of gold. Helping others is simply in their nature and seems to run in their blood.

Be A Good, Compassionate Leader

As Laird and Lord of Lallybroch, and as important figures back when they were still in France, both Jamie and Claire carry a lot of weight on their shoulders. Back in the 17th century, it was up to the owners of the land to collect taxes and care for their people. But of course, things were a bit more complicated, since the weather pretty much determined how the harvests would go.

The Frasers always managed to bring their golden hearts every time it came down to running their own place and land. They forgive debts, procure birth control for the maids, and respect all who are below them. These are true traits of good and compassionate leaders, who the people look up to.

Follow Your Heart

The Frasers tend to think with their emotions a lot more than they think with their heads. And in many instances, this means that they put themselves into situations that aren’t exactly ideal, and many times, they are borderline dangerous. But that’s just the way of Jamie and Claire, passionate lovers and emotional gangsters of sorts.

Of course, they have more to be grateful for than anything else. If it wasn’t for Claire following her heart, she wouldn’t have chosen to stay with Jamie way back in season 1, and there would be no Fraser family to talk about. Follow your hearts, kids. Just make sure you throw some rationality in there… at least sometimes.


We don’t hide our emotions in this house. Seriously, one of the best things about Claire and Jamie’s relationship is the fact that these two are brutally honest with each other. Sometimes that’s a good thing, sometimes that’s a bad thing. But as humans, we all know the secret to a healthy relationship is to communicate.

These two might take it a little bit too far sometimes and get way too intense, but it works for them, and no one gets hurt for too long. As they are quick to pour out their whole hearts to each other, they’re also very quick in coming to each other’s rescue if feelings were hurt.

Show Your Emotions

We weren’t kidding when we said that Fraser family members are very vocal about their emotions. And as they are vocal, they are also extremely physical. The show wouldn’t be as well known as it is without the hot, steamy, romantic love scenes between Claire and Jamie, and that’s a beautiful and healthy way of expressing love.

These two are clearly head over heels in love with each other, and they often show it through kisses, caresses, and hand-holding.

Know How To Defend Yourself

You don’t get to make it alive and thriving in the 17th century Scotland unless you have some serious fire in you. Being brave here isn’t enough, especially when you’re a Fraser and bad luck just seems to follow you around in the form of some seriously disturbing villains. We’re looking at you, Jack Randall.

Knowing how to fight won’t keep you from suffering a fair share if you’re captured or find yourself in war, but it sure doesn’t hurt. The Fraser family obviously knows this, and they have no problem throwing some punches and pushes, and drawing their swords when need be. Maybe sign up for kickboxing classes?

Trust Your Kin

If communication is one of the essential pillars of healthy relationships, then trust is sure to follow suit. Love alone isn’t enough to build and sustain strong family bonds, whether that’s between husband and wife, father and daughter, or mother and daughter. No matter what happens, everyone needs to trust each other.

Outlander has been known for putting its characters in very sticky situations. They’re often confronted with hard scenarios, and this is particularly true for the Fraser family. This is why they soon learned that if they want to survive in hostile worlds, they need to not only love but also trust each other.

Let Love Be Your Strength

Last but certainly not least, we reach the number one rule one must follow in order to fully belong to the Fraser family. There are very few actions and decisions made by either Jamie or Claire throughout the course of the show that weren’t motivated by love. Love for each other and love for their daughter.

Sometimes this meant they had to be apart, which is not an easy decision to make. But being a Fraser means that, above loyalty, and trust, and bravery, is love. Loving each other and Brianna so deeply it hurt them sometimes. But that’s who they are at their core: two people who fell madly in love and created a life together.