Since Outlander has been on the air for five years, the characters are bound to change. Whether it is for better or worse depends on the viewers’ perception really - especially since some characters have endured more pain than others and changed because of it.

But who would you say has changed the most? Brianna has changed a lot since she decided to go through the stones but Murtagh is no longer the kind Scotsman fans met in season 1. Fergus, too, has grown a lot - but was it for the better? Keep reading to discover the 5 characters who have grown a lot and the 5 who haven’t.

Grown A Lot: Fergus

Fergus has come a long way since his pick-pocketing days. First introduced in season 2, Fergus was known to be quite mischievous and abrasive in his teenage years, getting himself into all sorts of trouble while he was with traveling with Claire and Jamie.

However, the twenty-year gap saw that Fergus had grown into a responsible and mature adult. Instead of the reckless and loud teen, Fergus now acted with rationality and caution. Whenever Jamie was being unreasonable, you can count on Fergus to bring him back from the brink. Let’s not forget how Fergus has now settled down with Marsali and their family in America. He deserves to be happy.

Hasn’t Grown: Lord John

There’s a reason why Lord John hasn’t grown much since his arrival in season 3 and that’s because there is nothing about him that requires growth. The series makes him the embodiment of the perfect gentleman - just too pure for the world.

He got engaged to Brianna because he wanted to protect her from other suitors while she waited for Roger. He stops Jamie from being extradited to the American colonies, where he would have been sold or imprisoned. John also agreed to become William’s stepfather as a favor to Jamie. The Governor has wanted nothing but for everyone to be happy.

Grown A Lot: Young Ian

Another character that has come a long way since their introduction in season 3 is Young Ian. When Young Ian made his first appearance, he was under the care of Jamie and trying to find his place in the world. However, Young Ian’s personality changed when he was in Geillis’s captivity.

After suffering through some traumatic experiences, Young Ian was more cautious and aware of the dangers of the world. In fact, Ian’s time in the colonies has seen him grow independently when he volunteered to stay at the Mohawk tribe so Roger could return home. He didn’t have this confidence in the beginning so it’s nice to see him come into his own

Hasn’t Grown: Laoghaire

Fans know by now that Laoghaire is the one character who will never change - no matter how nice she can be to other characters. In season 1, Laoghaire did appear to be a sweet and innocent maiden, who had a small infatuation with Jamie. However, this turned into a Fatal attraction-obsession when Laoghaire tried to get Claire killed because of her relationship with Jamie.

First, she tried to get Claire executed for witchcraft and then, twenty years later, she tried to shoot Claire because she was trying to steal Jamie. Laoghaire looked to be redeeming herself when she provided Brianna with hospitality - until she realized who her mother was and then tried to accuse her of witchcraft. She’s not changing anytime soon.

Grown A Lot: Claire

Claire is another person who has grown a lot since she traveled through the stones in season 1. When the viewers first met Claire, she had just finished serving as a combat nurse in WWII and was at a crossroads over her life. It appears her traveling through the stones proved to be a blessing in disguise as she was able to become more independent.

When Claire returned to 1947, she continued to challenge societal expectations by graduating from medical school and become a successful surgeon. Fans also can’t ignore that she has become a lot more selfless, telling Roger she wants Brianna to return to the future because it’s safer and jumping on the Porpoise to save enemy soldiers.

Hasn’t Grown: Murtagh

It’s sad to say but Murtagh’s growth has not been for the best. If anything, it’s all been for the worst. When fans first met Murtagh in season 1, they couldn’t help but love the Scotsman’s loyalty and determination to protect Jamie. They were also delighted to find that he had survived the Battle of Culloden and was in a relationship with Jocasta.

However, they couldn’t help but be disappointed when they realized he was the leader of the Regulators and would be on the losing side. While fans can’t fault him for taking a stand for his beliefs, they were shocked to see how sadistic he can be - with the blacksmith ordering a few judges to be tarred and feathered for enforcing a tax. If these are his methods, fans can only expect he will get worse.

Grown A Lot: Marsali

When Marsali was first introduced to the show in season 3, fans hated her. With the grudge she held against Claire, it was like she didn’t just inherit Laoghaire’s looks. However, as the series has progressed, she has managed to worm her way into the fans’ hearts.

The first time fans warmed to her was when they watched her endearing relationship with Fergus grow. They had also begun to warm up to Marsali when the housewife decided to strike a friendship with Claire and judge her on her own merit. It was a good decision on Marsali’s part as it showed maturity. Now, fans can’t imagine the show without her as she has provided a lot of comedic relief too.

Hasn’t Grown: Roger

Roger is another character whose character growth appears to be stationary. When fans first met Roger in season 2, he was a very likable character. He would do anything to help Brianna and Claire find Jamie and he appeared to be a kind-hearted gentleman. Let’s not forget how he helped to mend the relationship between Claire and Brianna when she discovered the truth about her paternity.

However, there was a red flag raised when Roger got annoyed at Brianna for not wanting to marry him. He also annoyed them with his misogynistic and sexist views when he degraded Brianna for wanting to take their relationship to the next level. So far, all his storylines have focused on his romance with Brianna so there hasn’t been room for growth.

Grown A Lot: Brianna

Out of all the characters in Outlander, Brianna has had the biggest character growth of all. Introduced in season 2 as a spoilt, Daddy’s girl who wasn’t very close with her mother. However, since Brianna discovered the truth about her heritage and her ability to time travel, her character has developed and grown.

Instead of remaining in the twentieth-century, Brianna risked her life to travel back in time to warn her parents of their impending deaths. Here, there was growth for Brianna as she stayed because she wanted to get to know Jamie, despite insisting she didn’t want to know anything about him previously. Brianna had also matured a lot in season 4, with the Harvard student becoming more responsible with motherhood.

Hasn’t Grown: Jamie

Afraid to say it but since season 2, Jamie’s character hasn’t really grown or developed. When fans first met the Scotsman, he proved to be a selfless and altruistic young man, who would do anything to protect his loved ones. Even after the trauma that he experienced at the hands of Jack Randall, Jamie continued to put Claire above his own needs.

However, there has been one characteristic that has stopped Jamie from growing - his pig-headedness. All fans know that Jamie’s temper gets him into trouble. They saw it in season 1 when he beat Claire for disobeying him and they saw it in season 4 when he beat up Roger. Let’s not even mention the derogatory comments he made to Jenny and Brianna about their sexuality after he jumped to conclusions. He’s still got a long way to go.