While we may not be able to learn too much from this teaser, we can safely make the assumption that, unlike Outlast, which concentrated more on an experiment-gone-wrong, this one seems like it is going to have more of a demonic influence. Well, that is if that creepy upside-down cross is anything to go by. 

If you’re curious for any little tidbit of detail, you can find on this game you can check out an interview between IGN and studio founder Philippe Morin in which the game is further discussed. He remains pretty ambiguous, but it seems like the team are out to make Outlast II gamers suffer… which is a good thing, right? 

Although we won’t be able to scare ourselves with it this Halloween, we may have the chance to do so next year as Outlast II is slated for a Fall 2016 release on the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Windows PC.