Launch Outlook. Above the Ribbon and far right, just click the small up arrow.

To get the Ribbon back, simply click the  tab you need.

As soon as you click outside the Ribbon it’ll disappear. Once hidden from view, you’ve freed up clutter and gained back a bit of extra space. Do it with your email messages too. Follow the same steps to minimize the Ribbon as you compose your message.

If you decide you don’t like this feature, just go back by clicking the pin icon at far right.

Power Tip: Minimize or maximize the Ribbon faster by double clicking on one of the tabs. One additional point that might be helpful to some, on my Outlook 2010 the up arrow changes to a down arrow when the ribbon is hidden and it this that you click to permanently unhide it. I know it’s a small point and might even sound pedantic but thought it was worth mentioning in case anyone was confused. Comment