Who Needs A Car?

Maybe, you’re someone who’s a family guy, with kids and pets, piling them in an uber isn’t a cool thing to do, you need a car. If you’re someone who’s living in an area with limited transportation services around you, or you live in some sort of rural area, where there are no trains, busses, or subways, then maybe you need a car.

If you’re someone who goes on long distances, makes multiple daily trips, and commutes maybe say an hour or two on those trips, then maybe you want to have a car.

Then again, maybe you’re someone who wants to feel a sense of pride, have a sense of ownership, and feel good about it having a car isn’t bad.

Who needs an Uber?

You should probably jump a taxi if you’re someone who lives a short distance from your workplace or office, or maybe if you’re someone who works remotely. 

If you’re this son of a gun who takes a few daily trips to get milk, sugar, and those everyday shenanigans, then maybe ubering is worth it.

Or maybe you’re this pop-action star, and you live around Manhattan where there are transportation services, you should think about ubering.

Is Taking An Uber Cheaper Than Owning A Car?

The average American household has 1.88 cars. The average price of a new car in the United States costs $ 40,000 according to carandeiver.com. The average time a car is parked, not being used is 95% according to usa.streetsblog.org, which almost seems like a car is being parked for 23 out of the 24 hours we have in a day- a bunch of bomb-ass cars sitting down collecting dust and leaking car payments!

If you’re trying to stunt, look chill, and impress others, owning a car is not wrong, but thinking of the amount of money you can save, maybe a car is something you can live without once you got Uber.

The Stats

Taking Uber saves you so much money. It costs a lot of bucks to make down payments for buying or owning a car. Uber has no down payment, you just have to jump a taxi whenever you feel like it.

The average finance charge for maintaining a car according to AAA ( American Automobile Association) is $ 670, and that’s a pain in the ass. Uber does not have any finance charges you need to pay monthly, weekly or yearly.

Comparing The cost of Uber Everywhere Vs Owning your own car

Looking at another tale of the tape, car ownerships do come with galling insurance payments over time, and since Life seems to be a game of fees, it might be cheaper to use an uber, which has no insurance payments to be made.

Next up, most Americans spend about $ 1,700 on gas per month just to keep their Fords going on the road! But since Fords are now a dinosaur from days gone by, sitting in the back seat of your Uber hooked on some Netflix action is not offense. Congratulations!, with Uber you don’t pay for that. 

Taxes, oil changes, tune-ups, and other maintenance services that come with owning a car do not exist if you decide to jump am Uber!

Owning Your Vehicle

You’re convenient if you own your car. You have the space and freedom to relax and do what you want to do.

It’s entirely up to an individual to decide to own a car or uber everywhere. People have so many options and what’s very necessary is to evaluate your expenses for what it costs you to have a car and how much you might be spending on Uber. 

It’s good to save money, although having a car in your driveway could be a great status symbol.it is quite expensive nowadays to have a car which for most parts of the time sits parked collecting dust. There are many alternatives to owning a car, Uber is a much cheaper and wiser option.

  1. Which is cheaper? Owning a car or using an Uber.

Answer: An Uber is cheaper, and will mostly save you a lot of money compared to owning a vehicle

  1. Does Uber give you rewards for using their services?

Answer: Yes. Uber has a loyalty program that enables people to save extra money on their commute.