Paladins is one of the most successful online multiplayer shooter games that is making some image in the market. Since its first release in 2018, Paladins has made a huge fanbase worldwide. One of its plus points is its availability on multiple devices including Microsoft Windows, PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. Another critical factor that makes it stand out among all the other shooter games is the accessibility to many champions.

Champions or heroes in Paladins are the playable characters in the game. Fortunately, Paladins feature a great number of heroes, each coming with their own unique abilities and skills. However, being able to identify the most mighty heroes to spend your time with might be a difficult choice. But worry not; we have brought a tier list of all Paladins heroes to give you a quick idea about each of these characters and help you find your appropriate choice.

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Paladins Tier List | All Paladins Heroes 2023

The mighty characters in Paladins certainly come with very interesting and unique powers that make the gameplay more attractive. These heroes are further divided into different tier lists based on their powers and abilities in the game. Here we have briefly explained each character and their powers according to their respective tier list.

Paladins Heroes – S Tier List

The S tier list comprises the mightiest heroes in Paladins. These characters possess different abilities making them tough opponents to fight against. They are mostly specialized in close combats and have exceptional abilities that can instantly change the game. Following are all the S-tier heroes in Paladins.

1. Fernando

Class: Front Line

Fernando is a formidable champion in Paladins known especially for his longer health line and defences. It has a considerable shield skill that can hold against the enemy fires thus, saving him and his allies. Fernando uses a flamethrower that can produce a powerful hit of fire damaging the area in front. Besides, it can also shoot fireballs that bring significant damage to enemies.

2. Inara

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Inara is another extremely powerful hero, basically a front-line champion. Her sustainability and Earthern Guard power are what makes us so powerful. She specializes in mid and close-range combats. Although she doesn’t have any shield like the other front liners, Inara deploys a wall to take up good close-range hits.

3. Atlas

Atlas is much like a situational character who has multiple powers to defeat his enemies. However, one must use these powers based on the perfect situation to get the maximum result. His basic attack includes a chrono-cannon that allows him to throw fire projectiles at his enemies. It must at least be charged for 1.4 seconds or more. He also possesses a skill called Stasis Field which lets him deploy a shield for 5 seconds to defend against enemy attacks.

Besides, Atlas’s ultimate power lets him fire three shots at most which can freeze the enemies for 4 seconds. This power could be used as a great escaping weapon at times.

4. Makoa

Makoa, another front-line champion, is exclusively known for his absolute defending power. He can take huge blows of fire from the enemies and defend his allies standing behind him. Makoa’s attacking power is relatively slower compared to the other front-line champions. Although the cannon shots often steep off of the path of the projectile, they are still a powerful source of the attack.

But his ultimate skill known as the ‘Ancient Rage’ curates his weapon for wide melee attacks. He can hit multiple targets with each swing and it also heals him completely to reach his peak health.

5. Barik

Next on our S tier list, we have Barik, a front-line hero who has mastered the art of controlling all nearby areas. Barik holds a blunderbuss that shoots pellets with large spreads. He can dash in and out of any critical situation in the blink of an eye with his rocket boots. Dome Shield, his ultimate attack allows him to throw an intense flamethrower turret which is further protected by a massive dome that damages all enemies within its reach.

6. Koga

Class: Flank

Koga is a flank champion with incredible powers in reserves. He can swap stances and unlock different abilities from time to time. Koga uses an energy bar in order to use his skills. His ultimate skill is known as Dragon Stance which allows him to fire dual SMGs. This extensive fire causes considerable damage to the enemies. Moreover, Koga has another ability that allows him to dash between a short range of areas. During this moment, he is almost impossible to attack, but he is able to hit any enemy coming in his way.

Although Koga’s powerful attacks and fast mobility make him a superior champion, there is a drawback as well. Since there are no cooldowns in his abilities, it takes up a lot of energy leaving the character all exhausted. His Dragon Stance although seems invincible, takes a whole energy bar and drains his energy at a much faster rate than usual.

7. Bomb King

Class: Damage

Bomb King has an immense area damaging power. He contains sticky bombs that could be deployed on the wall or even on the enemies that can be detonated anytime you want. His attacks specialize in area denial covering wide areas and taking over a large number of enemies. Poppy bombs can be used both as a means to escape and attack enemies at the same time. Additionally, his ultimate skill known as King Bomb turns bomb king into a huge bomb that can take over a huge area when detonated taking a lot of enemies down.

8. Cassie

Class: Damage

Cassie turns out to be a true champion considering her damage and mobility skills. She wields a crossbow that can cause serious damage to enemies from far away. Meanwhile, her disengage skill keeps enemies away from her allies and herself. Casie also masters in Dodge Roll which lets her get into good positions and also helps keep herself alive. Finally, her ultimate skill ‘Scout’ boosts her movements allowing her to cause intense damage to her enemies with incredible power.

Paladins Heroes – A Tier List

Next to the S tier list of heroes, the A tier heroes in Paladins are also known for their exclusive attack and defense powers. Although they are not at the same level as the S-tier champions, they still have enough firepower and mostly expertise in defense. If used with good care and strategy, these heroes can act as good supporting characters and even take the lead position depending upon the situation.

1. Androxus

Androxus is basically a damage flank hero in Paladins popular for his primary gun called the Cursed Revolver. He can kill all the unsuspecting enemies using his intense gun power. Androxus specializes in fleeing from the current place before his opponents can form a group to kill him. Also, his short-range punch known as Defiance can be very effective when it comes to close-combats damaging multiple enemies at once.

2. Imani

Talk about a complete hero with all sorts of power, Imani can make all your wish come true. Imani stands out from any range of attacks making it almost impossible to find a weak point. She can consistently shuffle between her Ice stance and Fire stance to alter her weaknesses depending on the situation.

Her basic attack includes a primary fire that can go out offensive and also lets her generate mana. Her ice stance lets her shoot frozen projectiles at enemies causing average damage. On the other hand, the fire stance turns out to be her primary attack. The fire pyreballs can cause immediate damage of 135 thus maximizing up to 1000 at its peak. She also has some attractive movement abilities that let her surf through the air on a piece of ice. Above all, comes her ultimate skill, the Dragon’s Call. It allows the player to control a huge dragon that can be highly destructive. However, the character, Imani will stay immobile throughout the period at the casting site.

3. Lian

Lian is yet another damage champion. Unlike Imani, Lian specializes in mid-range combats and also has the ability to deal with average damage in a short period of time. Her ultimate skill is known as enlightenment lets her survive high damage hence providing her damage reduction and CC immunity.

4. Viktor

Viktor is one of the easiest heroes you can use in Paladins. He wields an Assault Rifle that can shoot with a massive fire rate but relatively lower accuracy. However, his iron sight ability makes up for the accuracy creating a perfect balance. His ultimate skill Barrage, lets him take some good damage in wide-open areas while creating an opening by dispersing the enemies.

5. Mal’ Damba

Class: Support

Mal’ Damba is a healer that can be a great support in every battle. He specializes in Cobra Spitting which throws fire globs of venom on the enemies causing great damage. His mending spirits allow him to heal only a single ally for a short time period. Besides, he has a few more skills that can be very effective while dealing with the enemies and saving the allies at the same time.

6. Seris

Seris is another support champion with impressive healing powers. Her healing ability spreads itself through nearby allies, which can come in very handy during a battle. Seris’s ultimate skill, i.e., Convergence lets her throw her soul orb forward. The soul orb can further pull the enemies near it making it a situation of your own wish.

7. Khan

Class: Front Line

Next, we have a semi-support front-line champion. Khan can easily deal with medium damages using his primary weapon, the heavy repeater. He specializes in solidifying teams’ positions and breaking the enemy lines on Commander’s Grab. Khan can as well heal the nearby teammates with Battle Shouts. He has good movement and speed which makes him ideal as a front-line champion.

8. Ying

Paladins’ next hero, Ying is another support champion who specializes in healing. Unlike the other support champions, Ying can heal her allies from a far distance through her illusions. She can fire very fast energy beams with the help of her Illusionary Mirror. It also helps her shatter the illusions which further results in seeking enemies and exploding to cause damage around them. Ying can also reposition herself at different places anytime through her Dimensional Links. Moreover, her ultimate skill even permits her to reposition herself with an ally’s current position.

9. Io

Coming to another support hero in Paladins, we have Io who possesses special abilities in healing. While she can heal any of her teammates using her moonlight, she is also capable of providing AOE heals with the ability of Guardian Spirit through her Life Link talent. She has good movement ability, plus the Lunar Leap skill helps her quickly get out of the worse situations. Her ultimate skill Begone is highly effective when it comes to saving herself and her allies.

10. Ash

Ash, a front-line hero comes with her own abilities like point control through heavy crowd control, damage enemies with a primary weapon attack, and damage reduction. She holds a flak cannon that can release mid-range damages. Ash is a perfect choice as a last-standing hero or one that could keep stalling to buy enough time for her teammates.

11. Terminus

Finally, coming to the last contender in the A tier list, Terminus is a front-line champion that can even be competed with the S tier champions up to a certain level. The Terminus Massacre Axe can release attacks causing massive damage to the enemies at the front. Terminus can even take in enemy attacks and convert them into charge to release his Calamity blast skill. His ultimate skill Reanimate is the most shocking ability you have seen until now. It allows him to revive even after getting killed and causes massive damage upon his resurrection.

Paladins Heroes – B Tier List

Tier B mostly contains Damage and Support champions on the list. Although these heroes are not strong enough unlike the tier s and tier A heroes, they still have considerable abilities. In fact, tier B champions especially prove to be effective in competitive matches. Moreover, each hero possesses some unique abilities that can greatly affect the outcome of the battles. Tier B consists of the following heroes in the list:

1. Sha Lin

A damage champion who has enough potential to turn the tides in a battle through his long-range attacks. Sha Lin wields powerful arrows that cause more damage in distant attacks. He has good speed and his ultimate skill even lets him become invisible making it more challenging for enemies to track him down.

2. Drogoz

Drogoz, a damage Paladins hero known for his ranged attacks and vertical mobility. His rocket launchers fire off rockets in any desired direction and cause heavy damage to the enemies. He can also launch a rapid attack releasing all the remaining launchers one after the other on the enemies. His mechanical wings and jetpack’s thrust ability give him fast mobility and allows him to swiftly escape any difficult situation.

3. Willo

Willo specifically focuses on zone control and launches consistent attacks that even surpass the enemies healing abilities. Her fae energy and toxic spore are let her stop the enemy’s healing effects as long as they are within range and attack them with different kinds of weapons. Willo can even control other zones by throwing her seedlings into the specific zone and these seedlings instantly blast as they touch the ground causing tremendous damage to the enemy.

4. Strix

Strix is one of the two snipers in Paladins. He is capable of instantly switching between her primary and secondary weapons. His sniper does damage of 1200 per round on the body whereas, each headshot can deal 1800 damage to the enemies. Apart from these, his flashbang grenade can blind enemies for quite some time which can be added to great advantage in a battle.

5. Kinessa

Kinessa is the last damage champion coming from the tier B list. Like Strix, Kinessa is another Sniper with some amazing high-range damage power. However, her movements are relatively slower than that of Strix making her more vulnerable against the enemy. But with the help of the teleporter, Kinessa overcomes her drawback and stands out as a potential damage champion on the list.

6. Torvald

Torvald is an ideal choice for a defensive approach in any battle. He is basically a supporting front line whose primary power is his shield which can remain constant thereby defending him and his allies. One has to take down his shield in order to damage him. Besides, Torvald has a lot of other abilities that even lets him save allies within his range by throwing a temporary shield at times of danger and much more. He can also recharge his shields to survive some extra time in the battles.

7. Furia

As far as all the support heroes in Paladins, Furia is the most aggressive support who heals her ally as well as attacks the enemies at the same time. She wields a pyre blade that brings great damage to her enemies and can also witness an increase in attack speed on healing her allies. Overall, Furia is fast, powerful, and an aggressive support hero that could be of great use.

8. Jenos

Jenos is a trustworthy support champion who can heal his allies and hold his enemies into position through walls. He holds a celestial weapon known as Star Splitter and his healing ability, Astral Mark, together make a great combo to make him one of the potential healers in Paladins.

9. Pip

Pip is our next support hero from tier B. He certainly has a much more balanced approach in comparison to the other healers. His potion launcher and explosive flask make a better combination out of him. His ultimate skill, Evil Mojo is quite funny as it turns all the affected enemies into chickens. Pip’s overall abilities make him a balanced character from both offensive and defensive sides.

10. Grover

Grover is the last hero on the B-tier list. He is a ranged support champion who wields a throwing Axe. His attacks are more damaging when targeted from far away. His healing ability, Blossom, allows him to heal grouped allies who are near him. Besides, Grover along with his kit has the most conflicting abilities that leave enemies stunned all over.

Paladins Heroes – C Tier List

The C-tier list consists of heroes mostly from the flank class. These champions have some unique skills and abilities that can be useful during the battles. However, they cannot be considered as the main character in battles, perhaps they would be useful as a supporting roles. C-tier heroes are nowhere near the tier-A, B, or S champions but much lower compared to power and abilities. Here are all the C-tier heroes in Paladins.

  • Evie – Flank
  • Lex – Flank
  • Talus – Flank
  • Zhin – Flank
  • Raum – Front Line
  • Dredge – Damage

Paladins Heroes – D Tier List

The heroes in the D-tier list are relatively much weaker than all of the above classes. They do not possess any reliable power but they do have a lot of weaknesses. This is why players generally do not rely on tier-D players most of the time. Here is a list of all the tier-D heroes of Paladins.

  • Tyra – Damage
  • Vivian – Damage
  • Ruckus – Front Line
  • Grohk – Support
  • Buck – Flank

Paladins Heroes – E Tier List

Finally, coming to the last tier list of heroes in Paladins, the tier-E list contains the weakest players in Paladins. All the players of tier-E basically belongs to the flank class and none of them possess any recognizable powers. They are the last options any player would prefer to go for.

The tier-E heroes of Paladins are as follows:

  • Skye – Flank
  • Moji – Flank
  • Maeve – Flank


So, this is the complete tier list of all heroes available in Paladins in 2023. Tier-S heroes top the list based on their powers and efficiency and must be every player’s first choice. Following them, tier-A and tier-B come next on the list on which players can rely. As of tier-D and E, they have the weakest players and any players would hardly choose to select these champions. Let us know which character is your favorite hero in Paladins and what about them actually makes you interested in them.