Palm Beach Jewelry’s return policy allows for a customer to return an already purchased item as long as it is returned within 30 days after the initial purchase. To get jewelry returned to any of the Palm Beach stores around you, you need to confirm if you are eligible for a refund by first contacting customer support.

All you need to know about Palm Beach Jewelry Return Policy

Here are some important tips you should know before attempting to return an item at Palm Beach:

Make an inquiry from the store customer support by calling or sending them an email stating what you purchased, why you want to make a refund, and ask if you are eligible for a refund.

A return can only be processed if it was made within 30 days of purchase.

You are eligible to get a refund if your item was shipped to the wrong address.

A return can be made both in-store and by filling out the Return Request Form on the Palm Beach website.

You have to return an item in the exact way it was given to you when you purchased it; with the package and contents still intact.

An item that has been used for a long period or damaged by you is not allowed to be returned under the store policy.

You will need to confirm your order either by providing proof of payment such as a packing slip or by using your order number.

The store will not refund you any of your initial shipping charges unless the return was due to an error made by them.

You are only allowed to exchange an item with the same item; you cannot exchange an item with an item that is more or less expensive than the one you initially purchased.

After the item has been reviewed and confirmed to meet up with the store return policy, you will receive a confirmation email and be advised to wait for a few days to get a refund.

You will be able to receive your refund or replacement within seven to 10 working days.

If you did not receive your item within the stated days in the return confirmation email, you should contact the store for an inquiry.

What happens if I do not meet the required conditions in the store return policy?

If you were unable to meet up with the required condition in the Palm Beach jewelry return policy, you can simply take the following steps:

Sell the jewelry

This is probably the only way you will be able to get back the money you spent purchasing the item. 

If your jewelry got rejected because you did not meet up with the store required conditions in the return policy, you will not be able to get a refund from Palm Beach, the best possible way to get that money would be to sell it to someone interested in having it. 

You can sell it on online shopping platforms or sell it to a close friend or colleague. The issue with your jewelry is that most buyers would want to buy at a price lower than the initial price you got them. But you might be lucky enough to find someone to give you real value for your money.

Maintain it

You might feel the jewelry does not feel original because the stone on the ring or necklace does not shine bright enough. Well, in some cases, diamonds are due to too much exposure to sunlight and a lack of proper maintenance. So you can try bringing out the beauty in the stone by cleaning it regularly and ensuring it does not get too much exposure from sunlight.

Get it customized

In a situation where you got an oversized ring or jewelry that feels off when you wear them, you can get some money and take it back to Palm Beach or any other jewelry store close to your location to have the jewelry customized to suit your taste. 

An oversized ring can be resized to fit you better. Instead of wasting time brooding over not being able to get it returned, you can simply have it adjusted to fit you. Note that the customization is not a free service, you will be charged for it.

Store the jewelry properly

Another problem with jewelry, especially stone ones, is the lack of proper storage. Jewelry with stones on them should not be placed in the same box as sharp jewelry to avoid getting the surface scratch. Jewelry should not also be worn when bathing, swimming, or washing to avoid giving the face a dull and rusty look.


Palm Beach allows customers to return jewelry gotten from the store if they are not satisfied with them or discover the item was faulty upon using it. However, customers are only allowed to return them if they meet up with the listed requirements in the store’s jewelry return policy.

Can I get my bracelet fixed at Palm Beach?

Yes, you can. Contact Palm Beach customer support to know more about jewelry repair and maintenance.

How long will my item get to me after a request for an exchange?

 You should be expecting it within seven to 10 working days after getting an email confirmation from the store.