Panera Bread started accepting payments via Apple Pay in 2014 and Panera Bread was among the first restaurant that accepted Apple Pay. One can pay via Apple Pay in Panera Bread by using the Apple Watch and an iPhone, provided that the app is currently uploaded on the phone. Panera Bread also offers its customers the opportunity to pay via Apple Pay on their online orders. 

How to Pay Using Apple Pay in Panera Bread?

There are three popular ways to pay with Apple Pay in Panera Bread. One can use the Apple Pay in Panera Bread by downloading the app on their iPhones, one can use their apple watches to pay via Apple Pay, and lastly, one can use Apple Pay during their online order.

Paying With App

First and foremost, one needs to have the Wallet app downloaded to their iPhones to proceed with the process. After creating an account, the user has to add their credit card or debit card information to the Wallet app. One can be done by adding the card process in four steps. In the first step, open the Wallet app. In the second step, click on the plus symbol that means adding. In the third step, scan the back and the front of the card, there is also an option for the users to do it manually. In the fourth and last step, follow the bank’s instructions to be done with the process. Once the customer is sure that everything is set with the Wallet app, the customer can simply hand the phone to the Panera Bread cashier to be done with the payment, or the customer can scan the QR code to be done with the payment.

Paying With Apple Watch

Before making the payment with the Apple Watch, the user needs to connect the Apple Pay to the Apple Watch. This can be done by using an iPhone and the steps are quite similar to adding a credit card to the Wallet App. First of all, the user needs to connect their Apple Watch by opening the Apple Watch app on the iPhone. If the Wallet app has already been linked with a credit card or a debit card, the user won’t need to add another cart to use it on the Apple Watch. After the user opens the My Watch section in the settings, the final step is to connect the Apple Watch to the Wallet app. Once the user is done connecting, they can use their Apple Watch to pay via Apple Pay in Panera Bread. In addition, paying with a small wrist movement is much cooler than scanning a QR code.

Paying Online

While the other two cases are valid for physical orders, paying via Apple Pay is easier when the customer prefers to order their food online. The customer can either order their food by using the Panera app or they can go to their website to select the items they want. In either case, after the customer is logged in to their account and selected the food they want to eat, they can do their payment via Apple Pay by additionally logging in to their Apple accounts. But right before the customer is directed to select the payment method, the customer needs to select whether they want their food to be delivered to them or they will be picking up the order physically.

Does Panera Bread accept different payment methods?

Along with accepting Apple Pay, Panera Bread accepts Google Pay, PayPal, SamsungPay, and Android Pay. Panera Bread also accepts PayPal cash cards and gift cards which are available in their physical and online stores. 

Does Panera Bread offer a discount to their customers who use Apple Pay?

Panera Bread started to give their customers who pay via Apple Pay a 3% discount on every order whether they make their payments online or physically.


In conclusion, the act of paying with cash, credit card, or debit card is starting to become a thing of the past. Digital wallets and gift cards are replacing credit cards and cash options. Digital wallets like Apple Wallet are much more convenient and safe to use than multiple credit cards and the restaurant will grant the customers who use Apple Pay several discounts and promotions. It is much quicker and more convenient to pay with an Apple Watch or an iPhone.