Over three years ago, Panic introduced an app that quickly gained popularity, especially from pro users. Called Status Board, the iOS app displayed a host of information, all in a modular, easy to follow interface. Today, however, Panic announced that it is discontinuing development of Status Board.

In a blog post, Panic explains its reasoning for discontinuing Status Board. One contributing factor, the company writes, is that the app is targeted mainly towards pro users and there’s simply not a large pro market on iOS:

Panic also notes that it was always a challenge to integrate all types of data that pro users wanted with the limited revenue it had. Building on this, Panic explains that it was on the wrong end of the setup for status boards, noting that “companies would buy a $3,000 display for our $10 app.”

As for the future, Panic explains that Status Board will soon be removed from the App Store. For current users, though, the app will continue to work for the foreseeable future. Dropbox integration will stop working in June 2017 and later in 2017, the weather module will stop working, but until then everything should function. Panic has also just released a new version of the app that adds full iOS 10 support and fixes some bugs.

Status Board is still on the App Store (for free), but don’t expect that to last. Were you a big Status Board user? Let us know down in the comments.