What Are Parking Tickets?
A Parking Ticket is a notice to a driver, stating the fine that they have to pay due to their parking violation. Drivers that park in an unauthorized manner and fail to pay attention to parking notices fall prey to the law enforcement officers. Sometimes, it is impossible not to get a parking ticket due to emergencies and rush but when issued this ticket, the driver has to pay. These tickets can be placed on the car if the driver is not present or around the vehicle or they could be given to the individual directly. It is just a way of getting car users to pay for their disobedience and traffic violations.
Why Parking Tickets?
In the beginning years of the 20th century in the United States of America, the number of car users increased. All of a sudden, the cars on the road increased and so did the traffic. The traffic caused difficulties and the congestion was almost unbearable. It was however noticed that parking was one of the main reasons for the congestion. It was not just the fact that the number of motorists was increasing but that there was no structure in the parking system. This lack of structure and regulations led so many motorists to park where ever was convenient without thinking about the next person, the safety of the road, and other repercussions. Motorists parked in the most unthinkable places, causing roadblocks and difficulty in navigating certain areas. The government found the best way to put an end to the problem. It was a win-win. Why? Because this solution was sustainable and would also fetch and increase the revenue of the government. The government’s revenue increased as a result of the money gotten from motorists who violated the parking laws. The government made parking regulations.
What Are the Parking Violations?
In some parking areas, certain lines and boxes are drawn to help a motorist when parking and for public safety. Parking outside these lines is a parking violation and could get the driver a ticket if caught. Parking close to an intersection is also a parking violation. Parking near a crosswalk or pedestrian crossing as the English call it or a railroad crossing would land you a parking ticket. Some parking areas require the motorists to pay and so if a motorist park for more than the period they paid for or without even paying is a parking violation and would get the individual a ticket. The handicapped zones are not for parking. To park in these zones, car users have to get appropriate permission. Drivers who do not have a permit to park in these zones would be issued a parking ticket. Some locations or roads have routine maintenance and so cars parked in these areas where it has been pasted are undergoing construction or maintenance are violating the parking regulation and so would get a ticket.
Do Parking Tickets Cost Anything?
Having a car and driving in the United States of America can be stressful. There is always the constant worry about the traffic rules and the also parking rules. No one wants to get a parking ticket but it is so easy to get one so long as your tire is just crossing a line by an inch. These tickets are not $1 or $2, they cost a lot but the price varies from city to city. The three most expensive cities are:
New York City – parking tickets in this city cost over $100San Francisco (California) – parking in this city costs about $125. Chicago – parking costs $150 – $200.
These parking tickets can cost a little less than or way more than these prices; it depends on the violation.
It is not always the individual’s fault. At times in a driver’s life, these violations do occur, this does not mean you are not an upstanding citizen. However, individuals need to be careful and make sure that they did violate these parking laws so as not to be in a situation where you end up paying these tickets. You have a right to defend yourself in situations like this and demand evidence. Motorists should take note of these regulations so that they do not violate any of them. No one wants to be issued a ticket or their vehicles towed away.
What Happens If You Do Not Pay Your Parking Ticket?
Additional Fees (e. g $300 extra in California)Car SeizureTowing of Car. Affect Credit Score. Suspension on the motorist’s driver’s license. Increase in insurance rate
What Are the Parking Color Zones?
Red Zone: This means that no parking is allowed at any time. Blue Zone: This is a handicapped zone meaning that parking is not allowed. With the exception that the individual has been rightly allowed to ark at that location. White Zone: Drop off zone, loading, and unloading. Yellow Zone: This means that the zone is for commercial loading. Green Zone: this means that the drivers in this zone are only allowed to park for three hours.