As the title makes clear, Parks and Recreation was primarily about Pawnee’s Parks and Recreation Department. With Leslie Knope as the Deputy Director, we saw her dedication and passion to her town’s parks and rec. department and how she wanted to make Pawnee a better place.

On the way to making a safe space for Pawnee, we followed the relationships of those working in the department and fell in love with the ups and downs those relationships brought. From Ben and Leslie to April and Ben — our favorite characters found love in an otherwise hopeless government. However, we can’t help but think about the couples that could have been. Even if they didn’t necessarily hit it off on the show, we’re playing matchmaker and put together 10 couples who could have totally worked out on the show.


Granted, if Andy wasn’t head over heels for April, this relationship could have happened. Shauna Malwae-Tweep was always around Pawnee’s Parks and Rec. Department because of her job and a few employees caught her eye, Andy being one of them. She tried her best to hit on him—and he seemed interested—but he ultimately shot her down due to liking April too much.

However, these two could have been an adorable match. Shauna was bubbly and well established and didn’t seem to mind Andy’s lack of drive or career. Likewise, Andy would have appreciated Shauna’s relaxed personality and the fact that she probably has a home he could move into…


Councilman Jeremy Jamm is the scum of the earth. He’s successful due to his own orthodontic practice but treats Leslie (and quite frankly most females he speaks to) like she’s uneducated and not worthy. Knowing this, the only woman who could possibly put up with such behavior would be Mona-Lisa Saperstein — Jean-Ralphio’s sister.

Mona has no real moral compass, loves to “do it,” and doesn’t appear to appreciate long-term commitment. She is literally the perfect match for Jamm. It also helps that Jamm is wealthy and has his own business, which is something Mona-Lisa would look for in a man or a provider.


On the surface, Bobby Newport and April Ludgate don’t seem like a good match. Bobby is so naive and bubbly, and April is so downcast and dark. What would these two even talk about? Come to think of it, does Bobby sound like someone familiar? Andy! Andy and Bobby are very similar (except for the fact that Bobby comes from money).

Bobby appreciates nice people and gestures, and so does Andy. This is something that Apri obviously appreciates. The only real difference between Bobby and Andy that could break this possible relationship is that Bobby isn’t in a band and actually showers.


Ron is a man with many pet peeves. There are more people that bother him than don’t bother him, and he’d rather enjoy his own company than someone else’s. That all changed when he met and married Diane, of course, but if he did want a fling with someone other than his first two wives, Lucy isn’t a bad choice.

As we know, Lucy went on to date and marry Tom, but she’s a “salt of the earth” kind of gal who is strong enough to handle Ron’s criticisms and sense of humor. This relationship wouldn’t be a longterm one, though. She’s too young, and her ideals would bother Ron in the long run.


I think we all saw this, didn’t we? Shauna and Ben literally could have been a couple in season four if Leslie didn’t keep interfering. Feelings started swirling when Shauna interviewed Ben and ended up inviting him to a party she was going to. He’s educated, handsome, professional — he’s someone she was attracted to.

Likewise, Shauna is beautiful, calm, and has a good job where their paths would cross. This could have worked! However, Ben’s heart was completely taken by Leslie. Seeing him try to use Shauna as a rebound was oddly upsetting.


We didn’t see much of Marlene Griggs-Knope, but it’s clear she’s a real ball-buster. Oddly enough, as the Director of the Education Department for Pawnee, Marlene was frosty and unsympathetic. Leslie tries her hardest to live up to her mother’s expectations while keeping her distance because she knows how her mother can get.

Due to her strength and the fear she instills in people, what better person for Ron to spend the night with? It doesn’t matter that Marlene is well-known in her field, and Ron is the background noise in his. It’s their dry, to the point-personalities that make these two a random match in heaven.


Ann has dated a lot of Pawnee and seems to be one of the most eligible women in the small town. The one guy Ann never dated, however, was David Sanderson (aka Dave the cop). Dave dated Leslie for a few months before moving to California for the U.S. Army Reserve, but had he stayed in Pawnee (and never dated Leslie), he and Ann would have been a good match.

For starters, Dave is a very nice man who treated Leslie with respect and care. He would totally do the same for Ann. He also had a great job, a house of his own, and looked good in a uniform. He’s literally everything Ann could want.


Tammy II was Ron’s second wife. The two had a cosmic, primal connection that could only be described by the two parties involved. She loves to play around with men’s hearts and doesn’t take too many relationships seriously. This is why she and Jean-Ralphio would be the perfect match.

Jean-Ralphio loves all women and will take what he can get. He may be a little too feminine for Tammy’s taste, but he’s someone she could devour, in a sense. Thinking back, it’s actually strange these two didn’t at least share one night of passion.


Both Tom and Jennifer are career-driven and love knowing powerful people. They’re both building their own empire and don’t mind using other people to get what they want. Tom loves women and thinks he’s way smoother than he actually is. And while we’ve only seen Jennifer hit on Chris Traeger, the way she approached him reminded us a lot of Tom. Tom is also extremely forward and graphic when he doesn’t need to be.

With Tom growing his restaurant business in Pawnee and Jennifer jetting around the US working on political campaigns, this is a long-distance love affair that could have worked out.


Chirs Traeger started the series off so strong and confident, but by the middle of the series, we saw him crumble and lose himself. But who was there for him whenever he needed a shoulder to cry on?

Well, Ben was usually. But Donna was also a great choice. And she made no secret about liking what she saw with Chris. She appreciates a physically fit man, and that’s Chris in a sentence.