Parks & Rec is easily one of the best comedy television series of the 2010s, and it’s one that’s had a lasting impact on its fans. Even if we can’t tune in for new episodes with Leslie Knope and the rest of the Pawnee Parks Department anymore, most of us will jump at any chance to revisit the gang and their shenanigans – even if it’s just in the form of looking at memes.

And with such a ridiculous cast of characters, there are plenty of Parks & Rec memes to keep fans occupied. It makes sense, too – if a series is this silly on its own, fans are bound to find ways to make it even sillier.

Here are 10 Parks & Rec memes that remind us why we love the show so much in the first place.

This Accurate Depiction Of Andy And April’s Relationship

If you’re a fan of the relationships on Parks & Rec, you probably love seeing April and Andy together. After all, they’re one of the series’ most compatible couples – and one of its most ridiculous.

And this meme perfectly sums up their relationship, comparing their romance to one between a cat and a dog. April, of course, is the cat, always ready to be antisocial and mischievious. And Andy, with his lovable but dumb personality, could certainly play the role of the dog. It’s a match made in heaven.

The Relatable Concept Of “Treat Yo’self”

“Treat Yo’self” is one of those phrases that’s become a phenomenon of its own, even if Parks & Rec ended four years ago. And Donna and Tom’s sentiment is a completely relatable one – especially when payday arrives.

No matter how broke you are, you’re bound to find some excuse to “treat yo’self” as soon as there’s money in the bank – even if it’s just to a Dunkin Donuts coffee. And if Donna and Tom are to be believed, you deserve it (even if your wallet hates you afterward).

The World’s Worst Politician

Laughing at Ben’s pain was a highlight of watching Parks & Rec, and now it’s become a highlight of looking through Parks & Rec memes. And one of the easiest ways to poke fun at Ben is to bring up his time as mayor – you know, the time he attempted to build an Ice Town.

As though Ben’s ridiculous failure at becoming mayor isn’t funny enough, though, this meme turns it into a crossover with Game of Thrones. Who do you think would make a worse politician: Ben Wyatt or the Night King?

The Many Expressions Of Ron Swanson

If any character is consistent in just about every situation, it’s Ron Swanson. It’s rare to see the man show any flicker of emotion, and this meme highlights that. Playing on the “What my friends think I do” meme, it shows a number of scenarios – but demonstrates that everyone has the same view of what Ron does.

The funniest part is that all of them are probably correct. We suppose being so apathetic about everything does make one somewhat predictable.

This Is Literally The Truest Meme Ever

Chris uses the word “literally” in almost every sentence whenever he’s onscreen, and this meme hits that point home. If you’ve ever wanted to be hit over the head with the word “literally,” just watch an episode of Parks & Rec with Chris in it. It would be infuriating if his character wasn’t so hilarious and charming in spite of it.

(What we’re saying is, we’re literally not complaining.)

Every Dog Is A Mutt!

Chris may not be relatable in his overusage of the word “literally,” but his take on dogs is one that most viewers will find themselves nodding along with. “He’s a mutt,” Traeger says in one episode. “Half amazing, half terrific.”

That just about sums up every dog in existence, right? They’re all half amazing and half terrific!

April’s Silver Lining

Whether you’re a kid at school or an adult at work, group projects are never fun – and that’s especially true if you’re as antisocial as April is. Her disinterest in other humans is part of why so many fans love her, and her reaction to participating in the Pawnee beauty pageant is all of our reactions to finishing social interactions we didn’t ask for: “At least I didn’t make any new friendships.”

Cheers to not making any new friends!

Andy’s Comeback Of The Year

Have you ever been on the receiving end of someone’s insults, just to realize your brain isn’t working fast enough to devise a comeback? Well, Andy’s brain is almost never quick enough to come up with something witty, but you can always use this ridiculous response to argue with someone anyway.

“I’m allergic to jerks!” is the kind of dialogue Parks & Rec is loved for, and it’s also the perfect way to answer the aforementioned jerks. They might not be impressed by it, but you’ll get to giggle at your clever usage of a quote from your favorite show.

This Masterful Way Of Handling Small Talk

Making small talk is rarely fun, but once again, there’s a meme for that. Andy and April have perfected their small talk game, and fans can follow their lead. Need to chat up someone who isn’t particularly interesting? Just raise a glass to the economy and laugh!

Again, this meme perfectly captures the ridiculous interactions that make us love Parks & Rec. And come on. We can all relate to wanting to do this just a little…

Leslie Knope For President

Let’s be honest: As much as we love all of the characters from Parks & Rec, Leslie Knope is the real reason we kept tuning in. Leslie dominates the show and manages to be a powerful female lead, even in a series that’s meant to be ridiculous. That’s why there are so many memes that suggest Leslie should be president.

And hey, if there were ever a fictional character who could get this country together, it’s Leslie. Too bad she couldn’t have run in the 2016 election… perhaps 2020, then?