Path’s iOS app was just updated in the App Store to introduce a number of new features, including Nike+ GPS Running Stories, Music Match for identifying and sharing currently playing songs, and camera improvements with “Focus & Exposure” and “Pow!” comic book effects.

Perhaps the biggest part of the update is the Nike+ integration. Path has a website up showcasing a demo of the new GPS Running Stories feature. Now in Nike+, there is an option within Share Settings to share on Path. The demo explained, “When you start a run, Path will let your friends know. If they add an emotion or comment on your run, you’ll hear a cheer!” Path will also display when your friends “cheered you on” and when you hit your best pace. Today’s update does not address the privacy issues over address book data that came up last month, but apparently there is an update for that on the way…

Another feature included in the update is a Music Match option that essentially brings the functionality of song recognition app Shazam to Path. However, The Verge said Gracenote powers the feature in Path. The publication also said Path gave a demonstration of the updated app today and said Nike FuelBand will also be integrated over the “coming weeks.”

You will also notice new focus and exposure camera controls, new “Pow!” comic book effects, the ability to view profile pictures in full size, updates to camera lenses, and a new high-definition preview mode. Music and movies viewed by friends or family will also now show as an activity. You can grab version 2.1 of the Path app, which also includes bug fixes, from the App Store now (iTunes link).

You might remember Path came under some heat last month over collecting users’ address book data. The firm quickly deleted the data, apologized, and issued an update to allow users to opt-out of storing the data on Path’s servers. The Verge, who attended Path’s demo today, reports another update, version 2.1.1, will be “coming shortly” and introducing “hashing” to anonymize the data before its accessed. Apple confirmed last month it would soon “require explicit user approval in a future software” for any app accessing contact data.