The photos stunned web clients, with many condemning the participants’ cruelty.

Watch: Pattoki Wedding Murder Incident Today, What Happened? A road merchant who came to the wedding expecting to sell his products was ruthlessly gone after by the visitors in the Pattoki area of Punjab on doubt of pickpocketing.

The everyday bet died on the spot, as indicated by subtleties, and his body was put on the wedding corridor floor while the visitors proceeded to eat and delight.

After the episode was accounted for in the media, Punjab’s Chief Minister (CM) paid heed.

The lodging administrator has been captured, as per the police, and further examination is in progress.

The occasion got consideration as a video purportedly showing Ashraf’s body close to a clearly detached audience feasting at the wedding became famous online via web-based entertainment, prompting broad shock at the insensitivity in plain view.

The wrongdoing was accounted for to Punjab Inspector General of Police Rao Sardar Ali Khan, who asked Kasur District Police Officer (DPO) Sohaib Ashraf to capture the offenders immediately.

The Punjab Forensic Science Agency had gathered proof from the scene, and the “established truths” will be uncovered after the last report, as indicated by DPO Ashraf.

Osama Mehmood, a Punjab police representative, asserted that the episode was accounted for to Punjab Chief Minister Usman Buzdar and the IGP late around evening time.

He proceeded to say that the DPO was driving the examination and that the requirements of equity would be met by analyzing CCTV video and other proof to recognize the suspects.

Pattoki Wedding Latest News And Arrested-Who Died? As indicated by police, a papad merchant named Ashraf Sultan was killed after being ruthlessly tormented by wedding visitors.

They said the wedding visitor procured the everyday bet since he was confused with a pickpocket.

The papad merchant’s body was left inside the wedding corridor as the visitors were caught up with eating, as indicated by police.

— Barrister Ambreen Qureshi 🇵🇰 (@ambreenqureshi) March 22, 2022

The perished was taken to the emergency clinic for an after death, and the wedding lobby director was captured.

Punjab Police Inspector General (IG) was made aware of the terrible episode and mentioned a report from the RPO Sheikhupura.

The guilty party was likewise requested to be captured immediately by the Punjab police boss. Following the horrendous wrongdoing, he guaranteed that those capable will be considered responsible.