The latest update changes the way diplomacy works quite a bit. Borders will now remain open until some failure of international diplomacy causes them to be closed. Embassies have also been replaced. Now, long-term relations with other factions are built by being a trustworthy neighbor – better be ready if they come to the door asking for a cup of sugar.

In addition to the diplomatic changes, players will now see more data on the maps, nomadic fleets, new warfare goals, and more varied populations among factions. The combat has been made clearer and graphically more pleasing to the eye as well.

Stellaris is a 4X, grand strategy game that takes a whole new approach to the genre. It places exploration above warfare and diplomacy as its primary focus. With virtually endless discoveries to make and quest chains to complete, it truly does boldly go… well you know the rest. Check out the game on the official website and keep exploring!