There’s no doubt that Peep Show is almost entirely about Mark and Jez. It is through their eyes and experiences that the stories are told, and, through them, we get the most laughs. But, there are tons of side characters throughout the series that get a lot of time to shine.

Some of the best moments come from Sophie, Dobbie, and Super Hans, and a few of them are even funnier than Mark and Jez. Over the course of nine seasons, Mark and Jez have unfortunately touched the lives of many. Here are the best of the best when it comes to Peep Show’s supporting characters.


Jeff?! As in Jeff?! That’s right! Jeff is the foil to Mark at JLB Credit. Jeff has been around since the first series and had a role all the way through to the end. He had been trailing behind Mark constantly, trying to steal his love interests away from him, embarrass him at work, and belittle him.

The thing is, no matter how annoying he is, no matter how often he ruins Mark’s plans, Jeff is a necessary evil. The best part of Peep Show is the humiliation Mark and Jez go through. Jeff is an essential part of said embarrassment.


Poort April, she deserved so much better. Mark first met April at Dartmouth. Oh, but Mark wasn’t a student at the time. Mark creepily lied his way into her bed, but hilariously was denied anything. April later returned in the ninth season, with her husband Angus (that dude loves his Byzantine churches).

April is just a normal, semi-awkward woman looking for happiness. Honestly, if Mark wasn’t such a trash human being, he might have actually made a go of it with her. April was a catch, and luckily got out of there when she could.


Penny, the mother to Mark’s love interest Sophie, has a small part to play in the series. Yet, what we get of her is perfection. Pining away in the country, denied intimacy from her aging husband, Penny seduced Jeremy with what else but her themed Jam?

Penny is so bizarre, and her moments with Jeremey are even weirder. But, who can blame the woman? When you marry a partner older than you, it’s a pity that you’re not going to age out of your prime at the same time. Penny is an underrated comedic goldmine in the series.

Big Suze

Big posh head Suze was Jeremy’s longtime on and off again lover. While most of the time she is lovely, oblivious to most of Jeremey’s shortcomings and inherently kind, Suze becomes a great character when her flaws and weirdness comes out. She has some of the best one-liners in the whole series. When she turned Mark and Jeremy into waiters at her New Years Eve party or when she wanted to torture the burglar who broke into her flat were just two of her best comedic moments.


Ian, Sophie’s father, was one of the funniest inclusions of the series. His pent up resentment and aggression towards his failed marriage and his own shortcomings are absolutely unreal. Paul Clayton’s performance as Ian is one of the best in the show, committing fully to one of the most out-there characters on the whole show. Although he only appears a handful of times, it is in the season four opener where he shines. What a twisted firestarter.


Gerrard was the second, unexpected romantic foil to Mark. This invalid turned romantic rival is one of the best pseudo villains in the whole show. Watching him and Mark tackle Project Zeus was perfection, especially Mark’s in-head commentary towards him.

Gerard wouldn’t be such a thorn in Mark’s side if Mark was just a bit nicer, but that is the whole point of the show. Gerrard becomes the foil and dies because of Mark’s god awful behavior, and we can’t get enough of it. Rest in peace, sweet elephant man.


Many feel that Dobby would have been the one for Mark, combining the geekiness and weirdness the two share. But Dobby is far too free-spirited and independent for Mark, which is exactly why they couldn’t work out. It is also what makes her so great. Dobby is unabashedly herself, and, when faced with bad situations, she doesn’t give in. She is inherently likable, and she also deserved better than getting mixed up with the el Dude Brothers.


Sophie, as portrayed by the goddess on earth Olivia Colman, was Mark’s longtime love interest, eventual wife, and baby mom. Sophie is the perfect case study to see what happens to a person who is absolutely ruined by Mark and Jeremy.

When she is first introduced, Sophie is an unassuming fairly normal woman with normal ambitions. By the end, she is an alcoholic and depressed single mom with few ambitions but to survive. Though sad, it is hilarious to watch, and perfectly acted by Colman.

Alan Johnson

TV is a breeding ground for the worst bosses, and Johnson is no different. Johnson is Mark’s boss at JLB credit and embodies the worst alpha male characteristics you can imagine. He also is one of the funniest characters on the show.

Portrayed by Patterson Joseph, Johnson is ruthless, mean, and clueless, and that’s why we love him. Look, he’s a businessman—that’s what he is. His outrageous obsession with success is so bizarre that we wouldn’t have it any other way.

Super Hans

Who else would make up the number one spot than Super Hans? Arguably one of the most quotable TV characters ever, Super Hans is the worst best friend you can imagine. Everyone knows him. He is the friend of a friend that is a horrible influence and always gets you all into trouble.

Yet somehow, he’s endearing. Matt King does a perfect job harnessing the chaotic energy of Super Hans that you almost feel like you know him personally. You might be wondering what makes Super Hans so great. Well, the secret ingredient is crime.