Its storyline pulls from the plot of the latest follower film, Cronies: The Ascent of Gru and takes members to Antagonist Con — the biggest criminal show on earth — to participate in a rivalry to check whether they have the stuff to turn into the most up to date individual from The Horrible 6, a famous gathering of supervillains from the film.

Visitors who are up for the test will snatch an intelligent blaster and step onto a “movement based pathway” — basically a moving walkway like the ones park-participants use to board Hagrid’s Enchanted Animals Motorbike Experience in the Wizarding Scene or the Spooky Manor ride at Disney’s Enchanted Realm).

They’ll twist through different scenes and acquire focuses by impacting various things and causing however much tumult and obliteration as could be expected.

— Samantha Davis-Friedman (@Samdfriedman226) December 8, 2022

The impending fascination will be important for another Follower Land that will likewise incorporate the current Detestable Me Crony Commotion fascination, and another Flunky Bistro.

All will be revealed in summer 2023. The parks’ latest significant opening was in the Jurassic Park-themed VelociCoaster, which was revealed in July 2021. Situated at the Islands of Experience, the ride is Florida’s quickest and tallest send off napkin.

It takes off 155 feet up high, at 70 mph, as thrill seekers ride close by Blue, Charlie, Delta and Reverberation, the Velociraptor pack from the motion pictures.